International Symposium on Energy and Water Exchanges in Land-Atmosphere Interactions 

Jul 15 - 16, 2024 | Busan, South Korea

Agenda (preliminary)

Day 1, Monday 15 July 2024

Time Title Presenter/Convener
12:30~13:00 Registration
13:00~13:10 Congratulatory address KMA Official
13:10~13:20 Welcome address Eunkyo Seo (PKNU)
13:20~13:40 Introduction of Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Jan Polcher (IPSL)
13:40~15:10 Session 1: Land-Atmosphere Interactions I Convener: Hyungjun Kim (KAIST)
13:40~14:00 Determining day-to-day sensitivity of convective cloud formation to land surface fluxes Paul Dirmeyer (GMU)
14:00~14:20 Improving the Land Component in Earth System Models via a Hierarchical System Development (HSD) Approach Micheal Ek (NCAR)
14:20~14:40 Unveiling the diurnal cycle of water and energy budget in land-atmosphere interactions Eunkyo Seo (PKNU)
14:40~15:10 Discussion
15:10~16:30 Group Photo & Coffee break & Poster session
16:30~18:00 Session 2: Land-Atmosphere Interactions II Convener: Eunkyo Seo (PKNU)
16:30~16:50 Unique Hydro-Climatology of Cloud-Fog Forests and Applications in Mountain Land-Atmosphere Interactions Min-Hui Lo (NTU)
16:50~17:10 Regime shift in the East Asian Summer Monsoon during the early 2000s: the role of land-atmosphere interactions Jinho Yoon (GIST)
17:10~17:30 The Impact of Increased Uneven Rainfall on Terrestrial Hydrology in a Warming Climate Hsin Hsu (Princeton Univ.)
17:30~18:00 Discussion
18:00~ Dinner

Day 2, Tuesday 16 July 2024

Time Title Presenter/Convener
10:00~11:30 Session 3: Land/hydrological model Convener: Micheal Ek (NCAR)
10:00~10:20 Development of Global Land Modeling Framework: Physics and Data Hyungjun Kim (KAIST)
10:20~10:40 CORDEX EAST ASIA Activities in South Korea Dong-Hyun Cha (UNIST)
10:40~11:00 AI-Enhanced Dynamic Global Vegetation Modeling: A hybrid approach for Predicting Fire Damage Rackhun Son (PKNU)
11:00~11:30 Discussion
11:30~11:50 Symposium closing / REPORT Hyungjun Kim (KAIST)