Aerosols Clouds Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Workshop 2019

Apr 24 - 26, 2019 | Nanjing, China

The uncertainties about interactions between aerosols, clouds, precipitation, and climate (ACPC) are a fundamental limitation to our ability to understand past climate change and to project future warming reliably.The ACPC initiative aims at a better scientific understanding of these interactions at a fundamental level. The goal is to identify, disentangle, and quantify signals of impacts of aerosol perturbations on clouds, precipitation, and radiation, taking into account adjustments and feedback processes by synergistically exploiting observations and models across scales.

The scientific program is from Wed, 24 April, 9 am to Fri, 26 April, 3pm, and session topics include:
Deep clouds I : Houston modelling study results
Deep clouds II : TRACER field campaign preparations
Shallow clouds: Early results on Southern-Oceans and other relevant topics

Each session topics is followed by extended discussion time for which short pitch presentations are also allowed.

For more information click here.