3rd Baltic Earth Conference:
Earth system Changes and Baltic Sea coast

Jun 1 - 5, 2020 | Jastarnia, Poland

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Scope of the Conference

The conference will cover the topics of Baltic Earth, in particular highlighting the Baltic Earth Grand Challenges as defined by the Baltic Earth Science Plan. The overarching topic of the conference, “Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts”, refers to the manifold aspects of the changing Earth system of the Baltic Sea region in the atmosphere, on land, and in the sea. Climate change and the associated sea level rise, but also other human activities, puts particular pressure on the coasts of the southern Baltic Sea, of which the Hel peninsula and the Polish coasts in general are exemplary. Land-sea interactions and human uses shape and modify the coasts all over the Baltic Sea.

Conference Topics

The Baltic Earth Science Plan is organized along specific interdisciplinary research challenges which have been formulated by the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group. Additional topics are treated by dedicated Working Groups and the BEAR. The sessions of this conference will reflect these topics:

  • Salinity dynamics in the Baltic Sea
  • Land-sea biogeochemical linkages
  • Natural hazards and extreme events
  • Sea level dynamics in the Baltic Sea
  • Regional variability of water and energy exchanges
  • Multiple drivers for regional Earth system changes
  • Regional climate system modeling
  • New climate observation systems

For more information and abstract submission, click here.