Aaron Boone
CNRM-GAME, Meteo-France
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Abbas Fayad
CESBIO - Toulouse, France
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Aiko Voigt
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Alejandro Di Luca
CCRC, University of New South Wales, Australia
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Alex Loew
Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Alexander Laederach
IAC ETH Zurich
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Alexis Berg
IRI / Columbia University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ali Nazemi
Global Institute for Water Security
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Alice M. Grimm
Federal University of Paraná
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Amir AghaKouchak
University of California, Irvine
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Laboratoire de Météorologique Dynamique – IPSL
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Andrea Manrique-Sunen
University of Reading
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Andreas Becker
Deutscher Wetterdienst, GPCC
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Andreas Hense
Universität Bonn
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Andréa S. Taschetto
University of New South Wales, Australia
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Andy Pitman
ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Anita Drumond
EPhysLab - University of Vigo
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Anna Harper
University of Exeter
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Anna Kauffeldt
Uppsala University, Sweden
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Annalisa Bracco
Georgia Institute of Technology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Anne Verhoef
University of Reading
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Anneke van de Boer
Wageningen UR
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Annette L Hirsch
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Armelle Reca
Climate Service Center 2.0
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Arnold F. Moene
Meteorology and Air Quality Group - Wageningen University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Arunchandra Chandra
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Augusto Getirana
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
B.J. Sohn
Seoul National University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Bart J.H. van Stratum
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Benjamin Möbis
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Bruce Davison
McGill University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Byung-Gon Kim
Gangneung-Wonju Nat'l University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
C. Roberto Mechoso
University of California Los Angeles
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
RCEC, Academia Sinica
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
National Taiwan Normal University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Camille Risi
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Carla Gulizia
Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (CIMA-CONICET/UBA); IFAECI/CNRS
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Carly Sakumura
University of Texas at Austin
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Carol Anne Clayson
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Cathy Hohenegger
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Catia M Domingues
ACE CRC / IMAS Univ. Tasmania
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Celeste Saulo
CIMA / Dept. Atmosph&Oc Sc. UBA
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Cheikh Mbengue
California Institute of Technology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Chen Yang
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology; Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Cherry May MATEO
Oki Lab, The University of Tokyo
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Chiel van Heerwaarden
MPI Hamburg
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Chimene Daleu
University of Reading
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Chris Bretherton
University of Washington
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Chris Kummerow
Colorado State University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Christian Jakob
Monash University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Christine Nam
Universität Leipzig
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Christoph Bollmeyer
Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research - Climate Monitoring Branch
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Christophe genthon
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Christopher Taylor
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Claudia Acquistapace
University of Cologne, IGMK
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Craig Ferguson
SUNY-University at Albany, USA
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
GET (Geosciences Environment Toulouse)
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dagmar Popke
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Daniel Argueso
University of New South Wales, Australia
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
David Lee
University of Melbourne
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
David Mocko
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dawn Erlich
Conference Committee/IGPO
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Diego Fernandez Prieto
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dimitra Konsta
Academy of Athens
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dominik Michel
ETH Zurich
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dominique BOUNIOL
CNRM - GAME, CNRS - Météo-France
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dong-Bin Shin
Yonsei University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Donghai Zheng
University of Twente
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr Andy Turner
NCAS-Climate/University of Reading
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr Aurel F Moise
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr Chantal CLAUD
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr Claudia Stubenrauch
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr David Green
NOAA National Weather Service
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr John Marsham
University of Leeds, UK
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr Marielle Gosset
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. Aart Overeem
Wageningen University / KNMI
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. Cathryn Birch
UK Met Office
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. David Neubauer
ETH Zurich
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. Fredrick Semazzi
North Carolina State University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. J. Ingwersen
Universität Hohenheim
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. M. A. Farukh
Hokkaido University, Japan
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. Nuzhat Qazi
Forest Research Institute
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. W.W. (Walter) Immerzeel
Utrecht University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dr. ir. Edwin Sutanudjaja
Utrecht University, Dept. of Physical Geography
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Dramane Dembele
Institut de Meteorologie et des Sciences Climatiques - IMSC
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
E. Raschke
MPI-Meteorol. Hamburg
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ed Hawkins
NCAS-Climate, University of Reading
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ehrhard Raschke
University of Hamburg
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Elizabeth Lewis
Newcastle University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Emma Robinson
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Eric Bazile
Meteo-France CNRM/GAME
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Eric Martin
CNRM-GAME (Meteo-France, CNRS)
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Eric Wood
Princeton University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Erik van Meijgaard
KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Erko Jakobson
Tarty Observatory
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Eyal Rotenberg
EPS, The Weizmann Inst.
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Fiachra O'Loughlin
University of Bristol
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Florence Habets
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Florence Naaim-Bouvet
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Frank Selten
KNMI Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Frederic Tridon
University of Leicester
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Fuxing WANG
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique - IPSL
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
George Tselioudis
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Geremy Panthou
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Gijs de Boer
University of Colorado
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Giorgia Fosser
Météo France & CNRS
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Gunilla Svensson
Stockholm University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Guojun Gu
ESSIC, University of Maryland
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
H. Annamalai
IPRC, University of Hawaii
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Helen Phillips
IMAS, University of Tasmania
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Helene B. Erlandsen
NVE/UiO/MET Norway
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hidetoshi Maeda
The University of Tokyo, Japan
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hiro Masunaga
Nagoya Univ.
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hojjat Mianabadi
TU Delft
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hongkai Gao
Delft University of Technology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Howard Wheater
Global Institute for Water Security
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Huang-Hsiung Hsu
Reserach Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hugo Berbery
ESSIC/CICS-MD, University of Maryland
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hugo Lambert
University of Exeter
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hui Su
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hwan-Jin Song
Seoul National University, South Korea
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hyo-Jin Park
Yonsei University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Inge de Graaf
Utrecht University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Insa Thiele-Eich
SFB/TR32, University Bonn
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Isabella Zin
LTHE Grenoble (France)
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
J-B Madeleine
Lab. de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD)
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jaap Schellekens
Deltares/VU Amsterdam
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jakob Zscheischler
MPI for Biogeochemistry
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jan Kysely
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jan Polcher
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jan Verkade
(i) Deltares, (ii) Delft University of Technology, (iii) Water Management Centre of the Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jana Kolassa
Columbia University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jason Evans
University of New South Wales, Australia
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jay Famiglietti
University of California, Irvine
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jean-Christophe Calvet
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jean-Pierre Chaboureau
Univ. Toulouse / CNRS
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jean-Pierre Vergnes
UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7619, Métis
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jeff Neal
University of Bristol
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jeff Walker
Monash University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jen Kay
University of Colorado
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jennifer Brauch
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jennifer Fletcher
Monash University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jennifer Riley
NOC, Southampton, UK
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jie He
University of Miami
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jim Mather
ARM Climate Research Facility
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Joan Cuxart
University of the Balearic Islands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Joanna Slawinska
New York University Abu Dhabi
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Joel Arnault
Augsburg University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Joellen Russell
University of Arizona
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
John Pomeroy
University of Saskatchewan
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jordi Vila
Wageningen University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Joseph A. Santanello
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Josipa Milovac
Institute of Physics and Meteorology, University of Hohenheim
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Juan Pedro Mellado
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Juliane Petersen
Climate Service Center, Hamburg
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Justin Sheffield
Princeton University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jörg Burdanowitz
MPI-M Hamburg
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Kai Zhang
The University of Texas at Austin
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Kaniska Mallick
Centre de Recherche Public - Gabriel Lippmann
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Kara Smith
North Carolina State University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Karsten Peters
Monash University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Katsuro Katsumata
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Kevin Grise
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Kevin Sieck
Max-Planck-Institut für Meterologie
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Kristof Van Tricht
KU Leuven
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
The University of Tokyo
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Kuolin Hsu
University of California, Irvine
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Laura Wilcox
NCAS-Climate, University of Reading
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Lieke A. Melsen
Wageningen University - Hydrology group
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Lin Liu
First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Lisa Alexander
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Lisa Goddard
IRI / Columbia University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Louise Nuijens
Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Luis Pineda
KU Leuven/Civil Engineering-Hydraulics
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Luis Samaniego
Helmholtz Centre - UFZ
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Lukas Gudmundsson
ETH Zürich
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
MP Lefebvre
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Maarit Lockhoff
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Magdalena A. Balmaseda
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Maheswor Shrestha
the University of Tokyo
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mansi Bhowmick
University of Leeds
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Manuel Felipe Rios Gaona
HWM - Wageningen University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Manuela Grippa
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Marcus Reckermann
International Baltic Earth Secretariat, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Margarida L. R. Liberato
Univ. Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Margriet Groenendijk
University of Exeter
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Maria Abrahamowicz
Environment Canada
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Marie-Estelle Demory
NCAS-climate, Univ. Reading
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Marjolaine Chiriaco
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mark Kulie
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Markus Reichstein
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Martin Hirschi
ETH Zurich
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Marzi Azarderakhsh
City College of New York, CUNY
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mat Collins
University of Exeter
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mathieu Reverdy
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Matt Palmer
Met Office Hadley Centre
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Matt Sapiano
University of Maryland
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Matthias Brueck
Universität Leipzig
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Maurizio Fantini
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Maury Roos
Calif. Dep't of Water Resources
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Megumi Watanabe
Tokyo Tech
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mei Sun Yee
Monash University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Meriem Chakroun
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Michael Hantel
Austrian Academy of Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Michael Mayer
University of Vienna
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mika Kodama
Hitachi Solutions East Japan, Ltd.
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mike Bosilovich
NASA GSFC Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mike Bosilovich
NASA GSFC Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Mimi Hughes
CIRES, University of Colorado
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Min-Hui Lo
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Minghua Zhang
Stony Brook University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Univ. of Tokyo
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nasrin Nasrollahi
University of California, Irvine
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Natalie Theeuwes
Wageningen University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nate Brunsell
University of Kansas
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Natsuki Yoshida
Tokyo University IIS
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ni Dai
University of Maryland - College Park
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nicholas Klingaman
NCAS-Climate, University of Reading
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nick Rutter
Northumbria University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nico Caltabiano
International CLIVAR Project Office
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nicolas Rochetin
CNRM-Meteo France
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nicole van Lipzig
KU Leuven
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Niko Wanders
Utrecht University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ning Zeng
University of Maryland
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Niu Ruoyun
National Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Norman G. Loeb
NASA Langley Research Center
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nurit Agam
Ben-Gurion University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Obbe Tuinenburg
LMD, Paris, France
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Olga Zolina
LGGE/University Joseph Fourier
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Olivier Pauluis
New York University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
P. Baguis
Royal Meteor. Inst. of Belgium
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paolina B. Cerlini
CIRIAF (Univ. Perugia)
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paquita Zuidema
U of Miami/RSMAS
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Patrick D. Broxton
University of Arizona
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paul Bates
University of Bristol
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paul Dirmeyer
George Mason University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paul R. Houser
George Mason University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paul Stackhouse
NASA Langley Research Center
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Pavel Groisman
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Peirong Lin
University of Texas at Austin, USA
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Penelope Maher
CCRC, UNSW, Sydney Australia
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Pere Quintana-Seguí
Observatori de l'Ebre (URL-CSIC)
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Pete Robertson
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Peter Webster
Georgia Institute of Technology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Phil Arkin
U. of Maryland/ESSIC
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Phil Harris
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Pierre Gentine
Columbia University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Pilar Barria
University of Melbourne
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Adam Scaife
Met Office Hadley Centre
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Mohammed-Said KARROUK
University Hassan II, Climatology Research Centre
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Kevin Horsburgh
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Stephen Sitch
University of Exeter, UK
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Yuanbo Liu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
The University of Tokyo
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ralph Acierto
Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
DGF - Universidad de Chile
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Rianne H. Giesen
IMAU, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Richard Anyah
University of Connecticut, USA
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Richard Bintanja
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Richard Essery
University of Edinburgh
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Richard Harding
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Rick Lawford
Morgan State University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
The University of Tokyo
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Robert Dickinson
Jackson School of Geophysical Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Robert Pincus
University of Colorado
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Robert Wills
Caltech and ETH Zürich
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Roberta Boscolo
World Climate Research Programme
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Roj Marchand
University of Washington
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ronald Stewart
University of Manitoba
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Rong Fu
University of Texas, Austin
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Rowan Argent
North Carolina State University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Roy Rasmussen
National Center for Atmospheric Research
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ruth Lorenz
University of New South Wales, Australia
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ruud van der Ent
Delft University of Technology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ryan Spackman
Science and Technology Corporation (STC)
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ryan Teuling
Wageningen University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sam Benedict
International GEWEX Project Office
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Samuel Jonson Sutanto
Utrecht University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sana Mahmood
UK Met Office
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sandra Steinke
University of Cologne
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sandrine Bony
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sarah Kapnick
Princeton University & GFDL/NOAA
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sarah Ringerud
Colorado State University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Satoshi Watanabe
The University of Tokyo
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sebastian Wolf
University of California, Berkeley
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Seiji Kato
NASA Langley Research Center
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sergey Gulev
Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Seth Westra
University of Adelaide
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Shaocheng Xie
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Shaoning Lv
University of Twente
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Shiori Sugimoto
Hokkaido University
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Shoichi Shige
Kyoto University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
MRI, Japan
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Shraddhanand Shukla
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Shu Wang
Peking University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Shunlin Liang
Beijing Normal University/University of Maryland
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Siegfried Schubert
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique - IPSL
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sonia Seneviratne
ETH Zurich
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sophie Bastin
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Stanislava KLIEGROVA
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Stephan Thober
UFZ - Leipzig
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Stephanie Bush
University of Reading
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Stephanie Redl
University of Cologne
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Steve Woolnough
NCAS-Climate, University of Reading
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Subharthi Chowdhuri
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sujan Koirala
MPI Biogeochemistry
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sujay V. Kumar
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sunil Gurrapu
Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Suping Nie
Beijing Climate Center, CMA
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Sébastien Garrigues
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
T Davies-Barnard
University of Bristol
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Taikan OKI
IIS, The University of Tokyo
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Theo Vischel
LTHE, University of Grenoble
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Thibaut Dauhut
Laboratoire d'Aerologie, Univ. Toulouse
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Thorsten Mauritsen
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Tianjun ZHOU
IAP, Chinese Academy of Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Timothy Liu
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ting Hwang
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Tomo Yamada
Hokkaido University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Tomoko Nitta
National Institute of Polar Research
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Tony Busalacchi
ESSIC, University of Maryland
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Travis A. O'Brien
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Tristan L'Ecuyer
University of Wisconsin-Madison
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ulrika Willén
SMHI Sweden
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Uwe Send
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
V. Krishnamurthy
George Mason University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Wenju Cai
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Wilhelm May
Danish Meteorological Institute
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Wouter Greuell
Wageningen University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
ITC, university of twente
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Xianglei Huang
University of Michigan
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Xiaolan Wang
Climate Research Division, Environment Canada
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Xiaosu Xie
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Xicai Pan
University of Saskatchewan
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Xin Li
Chinese Academy of Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Xuelong Chen
ITC, University of Twente,The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Yamin Hu
Guangdong Climate Center, Guangzhou, China
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Yi Deng
Georgia Institute of Technology
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Yi-Chi Wang
Research Center of Environmental Change, Academia Sinica
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Ying Huang
ITC, University of Twente
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Early Career Scientist
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Yoshikazu KITANO
Hokkaido University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Yoshiyuki Miyazawa
Kyushu University
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Univ. of Tokyo
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Zengyan Wang
Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Zhai Panmao
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Zhaohui LIN
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Zhenghui Xie
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Zhihong Tan
Caltech/ETH Zürich
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Zong-Liang Yang
University of Texas at Austin
14-18 July 2014 The World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands